Prime Loans
No one size fits all. We take a common sense approach to each loan.
Prime Loans
Our prime mortgage loan products are ideal for borrowers seeking a genuine non bank alternative or for circumstances that have placed them outside of the traditional lenders’ credit policies.
If you’ve got a clear credit history or even if you have some minor paid adverse credit listing or just require some additional flexibility because you don’t quite tick the usual boxes.
You’re not alone, our prime loan product could be a flexible mortgage finance solution that might work for you.
In today’s changing marketplace traditional lenders are making it hard and hard for people to obtain suitable cost effective mortgage finance. Redrock’s prime loan products have some exceptional product features which can really make a difference.
Talk to one of our specialist lending managers today about our flexible prime loan product that could be ideal for your unique needs.
Prime Loan Features
Our highly popular prime loan product comes with flexible features and a competitive rate tailored to your unique situation.
Note: All applications are subject to normal credit assessment and loan suitability criteria. Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. Minimum loan advance is $250,000.
Prime Loans
Here are some of the benefits of our popular prime loan products.