Getting a home loan and securing a slice of Australian property is a fantastic goal for anyone to have. After all, having a home for you and your family to live in is one of the biggest investments you can make in your life. However, one thing you’ll need to secure a mortgage is your credit report – especially if you’re looking to apply for a bad credit home loan.
How do I get my credit report?
Obtaining a copy of your credit report is a simple process. Getting in touch with a credit reporting body is the best way to do this – there are many of them across the nation that can help you out. In order to get one, you’ll need to supply your full name, address, date of birth, your last address and your driver licence number. These are just for identification purposes to ensure you get accurate, correct information.
Do I have to pay for these reports?
Getting a copy of these reports for free can be done under certain circumstances. If you’ve applied for a credit product within the last 90 days and been refused is one instance where you are entitled to get your credit report for free. Another circumstance is if either a credit reporting body or a credit provider needs you to correct information on the report in order to set things straight.
Finally, everyone is entitled to one free credit report every year outside of the circumstances listed above, so there aren’t many obstacles for anyone hoping to secure a report for their home loan applications. Credit reports are required to be delivered within 10 days of your request – however, if you need it sooner there could be a charge involved for a speedier delivery.